We present new non-LTE modelling of the helium spectrum emitted by quiescent solar prominences. The calculations are made in the frame of a one-dimensional plane-parallel slab. The physical parameters of our models are the electron temperature, the gas pressure, the slab width, the microturbulent velocity and the height above the solar surface. In this paper, we present isothermal isobaric models for a large range of temperature and pressure values. This work brings considerable improvements over the calculations of Heasley and co-workers (Heasley et al. 1974; Heasley & Milkey 1976, 1978, 1983) with the inclusion in our calculations of partial redistribution effects in the formation of the H I Lyα, Lyβ, He I λ 584 Å and He II λ 304 Å lines. In addition we consider detailed incident profiles for the principal transitions. The statistical equilibrium equations are solved for a 33 bound levels (He I and He II) plus continuum atom, and the radiative transfer equations are solved by the Feautrier method with variable Eddington factors. In this way we obtain the helium level populations and the emergent line profiles. We discuss the influence of the physical parameters on the helium level populations and on the main helium spectral lines. The effect of helium abundance in the prominence plasma is also studied. Some relations between singlet and triplet lines are given, as well as between optically thin or thick lines, He I and He II lines, and between the He I λ 5876 Å and H I λ 4863 Å lines. In a future work this numerical code will be used for the diagnostic of the prominence plasma by comparing the results with SUMER observations.
Labrosse, N., & Gouttebroze, P. (2001). Formation of helium spectrum in solar quiescent prominences. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 380(1), 323–340. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20011395
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