The term science is often understood to cover subjects such as physics, chemistry, and biology. While in the field of science, related fields are medicine, dentistry and engineering. Meanwhile, when it is called Islamic knowledge, it draws on such subjects as interpretations, hadiths, fiqhs, creeds and the like. But when the words of Islamic Science are mentioned it creates a slightly different answer. This is because it is closely related to the context in which the word is used and also the background of the researcher discussing the word. This study aims to examine the purpose of Islamic science in the context of epistemology as well as the framework of Islamic science in implementing the concept of integration of naqli and aqli science at the Islamic University of Malaysia Malaysia. The results of this study are expected to provide a clear understanding of Islamic science in the development of Islamic knowledge frameworks to achieve the objective of integrating naqli and aqli knowledge. ABSTRAK Perkataan sains seringkali difahami meliputi subjek seperti fizik, kimia, dan biologi. Manakala jurusan sains pula maka bidang yang dikaitkan adalah seperti perubatan, pergigian dan kejuruteraan. Sementara itu apabila disebut ilmu Islam maka tergambar subjek seperti tafsir, hadith, fiqh, akidah dan seumpamanya. Namun apabila perkataan Sains Islam disebut ia menimbulkan jawapan yang agak berbeza. Ini kerana ia berkait rapat dengan konteks perkataan tersebut digunakan dan juga latar belakang pengkaji yang membincangkan perkataan tersebut. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti maksud sains Islam dalam konteks epistemologi serta kerangka ilmu Islam dalam melaksanakan konsep integrasi ilmu naqli dan aqli di Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Hasil kajian ini diharap dapat memberikan kefahaman jelas berkenaan sains Islam dalam pembinaan kerangka ilmu Islam bagi mencapai objektif integrasi ilmu naqli dan aqli yang digarapkan
Ibrahim, M. R. (2019). Memahami Sains Islam Melalui Pembentukan Kerangka Ilmu dalam Epistemologi Islam. ‘Abqari Journal, 20(2), 99–115.
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