• Rahmanisa R
  • Sadeli A
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ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik konsumen minuman kopi, kesesuaiantingkat kinerja dengan kepentingan atribut kualitas dan tingkat kepuasan konsumen mengenai atributkualitas produk minuman kopi di Java Preanger Coffee House, Bandung. Penelitian didesain secarakuantitatif dengan analisis Importance Performance Analysis dan Customer Satisfaction Index. Hasilpenelitian terhadap 62 orang responden menunjukkan bahwa (1) konsumen didominasi laki-laki,berpendidikan sarjana, berusia 25-30 tahun, pekerjaan wiraswasta, tinggal di kota Bandung danberpendapatan di atas Rp5.000.000 per bulan; (2) Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan IPA, atribut yangmemiliki kepentingan tinggi dan kinerja yang memuaskan meliputi atribut rasa, kualitas, bahan baku,kenyamanan tempat serta pelayanan. Atribut yang memiliki tingkat kepentingan yang tinggi namunkinerjanya perlu ditingkatkan adalah atribut harga, aroma dan cara penyajian. Atribut yang memilikikinerja yang biasa saja serta tingkat kepentingannya rendah adalah atribut manfaat, tampilan fisik,ukuran volume dan informasi menu. Sementara, atribut yang konsumen anggap kurang pentingpengaruhnya namun kinerjanya berlebihan adalah atribut variasi rasa. (3) Hasil perhitungan indekskepuasan konsumen menunjukan bahwa konsumen merasa puas atas kinerja atribut kualitas produksecara keseluruhan. Perusahaan harus meningkatkan kualitas produknya sehingga sesuai dengan hargayang ditawarkan, memberikan pelatihan kepada pramusaji, menggunakan teknik pengolahan kopiyang lebih baik. Sedangkan untuk penelitian selanjutnya sebaiknya diteliti kegiatan pemasaranpromosi dan distribusi terhadap kepuasan konsumenKata kunci: kepuasan konsumen, atribut kualitas, Customer Satisfaction Index, Importance, Performance Analysis, kopi.ABSTRACTThe aim of this research is to analyze consumers’ characteristic, the level of conformity betweenimportance and performance level of coffee’s quality attributes and the overall satisfaction level ofconsumers towards quality attributes of coffee in Java Preanger Coffee House. Design of this researchis quantitative with 62 respondents. This research used descriptive analysis, Importance PerformanceAnalysis and Customer Satisfaction Index. Results showed 1) the major consumers in Java PreangerCoffee House are men which age around 25-30 year old that have job in private sector. They live inBandung, have allowance per month more than Rp5.000.000 and have bachelor degree; (2) Based onImportance Performance Analysis, attributes that have high importance and performance are taste,raw material quality, convenience place, and service atrribute. Attributes that the performance shouldbe increased are price, flavor, and serving method. Attributes that have average performance and lowimportance are benefit, physical appereance, coffee volume, and information menu. Attribute that haslow importance but has too much performance is variance of flavor; 3) The Customer SatisfactionIndex calculation showed that Java Preanger Coffee House consumers are overall satisfied withperformance of the coffee drinks quality attribute. Companies should improve the quality of theirproducts to match the price offered, providing training to waiters and using better coffee processingtechniques. Further research should be investigated the impact of distribution and promotionmarketing activities on customer satisfaction.Keywords: customer satisfaction, quality attribute, Customer Satisfaction Index, ImportancePerformance Analysis , coffee.




Rahmanisa, R., & Sadeli, A. H. (2016). KEPUASAN KONSUMEN TERHADAP ATRIBUT KUALITAS MINUMAN KOPI DI JAVA PREANGER COFFEE HOUSE BANDUNG. Agricore: Jurnal Agribisnis Dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Unpad, 1(1).

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