Neuroscience Behavioral Studies for Modulation of the FITradeoff Method

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It has been claimed in the literature that decision-making methods have not been modulated (transformed) by results obtained in behavioral studies as much as has been expected and that further modulation would be an important advancement in decision-making. This paper summarizes the modulation provided by the Flexible and Interactive Tradeoff (FITradeoff) method from behavioral studies performed using neuroscience tools. Modulations of the FITradeoff method have been conducted in two ways: modulations in the preference modelling process and modulations in the FITradeoff Decision Support System (DSS). For modulation in FITradeoff preference modeling, several recommendations were provided to support analysts during their advising process with decision-makers. For modulation in the FITradeoff DSS, several improvements were implemented in the design of the DSS. The modulation of the FITradeoff method was supported by neuroscience experiments. These experiments investigated decision-makers’ (DMs) behavior when they interacted with a holistic evaluation and elicitation by decomposition in the FITradeoff method. The modulation of the FITradeoff method promoted the inclusion of some features through the combination of the two paradigms of preference modeling, completely transforming the decision-making process, and its DSS.




Roselli, L. R. P., & de Almeida, A. T. (2022). Neuroscience Behavioral Studies for Modulation of the FITradeoff Method. In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (Vol. 454 LNBIP, pp. 44–58). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.

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