Sentiment analysis using rapid miner

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Now a day the data grows day by day so data mining replaced by big data. Under data mining, Text mining is one of the processes of deriving structured or quality information or data from text document. It helps to business for finding valuable knowledge. Sentiment analysis is one of the applications in text mining. In sentiment analysis, determine the emotional tone under the text. It is the major task of natural language processing. The objective of this paper to categorize the document in sentence level and review level, and classification techniques applied on the dataset (electronic product data). There is an ensemble number of classification techniques applied on the dataset. Then compare each techniques, based on various parameters and find out which one is best. According to that give better suggestions to the company for improving the product.




Aravindasamy, R., Nalini, C., Sangeetha, S., & Theivasigamani, S. (2019). Sentiment analysis using rapid miner. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 1589–1594.

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