Enhancement of Transient Stability in Transmission Line Using SVC Facts Controller

  • Kumar A
  • Dubey S
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This paper will discuss and demonstrate how Static Var Compensator (SVC) has successfully been applied to control transmission systems dynamic performance for system disturbance and effectively regulate system voltage. SVC is basically a shunt connected static var generator whose output is adjusted to exchange capacitive or inductive current so as to maintain or control specific power variable; typically, the control variable is the SVC bus voltage. One of the major reasons for installing a SVC in transmission line is to improve transient stability of a line. Static VAR Compensator is a shunt connected FACTS devices, and plays an important role as a stability aid for dynamic and transient disturbances in power systems. UPFC controller is another FACTS device which can be used to control active and reactive power flows in a transmission line. The damping of power system oscillations after a three phase fault is also analyzed with the analyzation of the effects of SVC on transient stability performance of a power system. A general program for transient stability studies to incorporate FACTS devices is developed using modified partitioned solution approach. The modeling of SVC for transient stability evaluation is studied and tested on a 10-Generator, 39-Bus, New England Test System.




Kumar, A., & Dubey, S. B. (2013). Enhancement of Transient Stability in Transmission Line Using SVC Facts Controller. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 3878(2), 51.

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