Artificial intelligence (AI) molecular analysis tool assists in rapid treatment decision in lung cancer: A case report

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Leptomeningeal involvement among non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients is an aggressive form of disease that requires quick and efficient treatment. In this case report, we describe a woman in her 40s with a presenting symptom of headache that ultimately was diagnosed as leptomeningeal spread from NSCLC adenocarcinoma. We identified EGFR mutation in less than 48 hours from the biopsy using imagene-artificial intelligence's real-time algorithmic solution on the pathological diagnostic slide.




Waissengrin, B., Garasimov, A., Bainhoren, O., Merimsky, O., Shamai, S., Erental, A., … Hershkovitz, D. (2023). Artificial intelligence (AI) molecular analysis tool assists in rapid treatment decision in lung cancer: A case report. Journal of Clinical Pathology, 76(11), 790–792.

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