Agroecossistemas de alta resiliência e eficiência ecológica são uma necessidade real da sociedade moderna. Os Sistemas Agroflorestais (SAF), caracterizados pela combinação de plantas arbóreas e espécies agrícolas, associadas no tempo e no espaço, se apresentam como uma alternativa promissora. Os SAF trazem os princípios de funcionamento dos ecossistemas florestais, decodificados pelos povos originários e, atualmente, compreendidos à luz da Agroecologia. No Brasil, existem várias experiências exitosas com SAF Agroecológicos nas cinco regiões do país, os quais promovem melhorias socioambientais, soberania e segurança alimentar e nutricional, restauração de áreas degradadas, e são provedores de inúmeros serviços ecossistêmicos. Neste trabalho, buscou-se traçar uma trajetória histórica e lançar um olhar para as principais perspectivas e desafios dos SAF nos diferentes territórios, compilando experiências e aprendizados dos cinco cantos do Brasil.Agroecosystems of high resilience and ecological efficiency are a real need for modern society. The Agroforestry Systems (AFS), characterized by the combination of tree plants and agricultural species, associated in time and space, are presented as a promising alternative. The AFS bring the operating principles of forest ecosystems, decoded by indigenous peoples and currently understood in the light of Agroecology. In Brazil, there are several successful experiences with Agroecological AFS in the five regions of the country, which promote socio-environmental improvements, sovereignty and food and nutritional security, restoration of degraded areas, and are providers of numerous ecosystem services. In this work, we sought to trace a historical trajectory and look at the main perspectives and challenges of the AFS in different territories, compiling experiences and learning from the five corners of Brazil.The design of highly resilient and ecologically efficient agroecosystems is a real need for modern society in the face of the challenges of the global status quo. Many civilizations have succumbed throughout human history from inadequate management and the resulting scarcity of natural resources. On the other hand, ancestral knowledge of native peoples was developed and applied in the management of natural ecosystems, transforming them into productive systems, in addition to being environmentally multifunctional. Brazil is a country that has favorable edaphoclimatic conditions for the establishment of forest ecosystems in practically all of its territory. In this perspective, Agroforestry Systems (AFS), characterized by the combination of trees and agricultural species, associated in time and space, present themselves as a promising alternative for the consolidation of sustainable agroecosystems. Agroforestry brings the functional principles of natural forested ecosystems, decoded by native peoples, and currently understood in the light of Agroecology. In Brazil, there are numerous successful experiences with Agroecological AFS in all five regions of the country, which comprise several biomes and social tissues. These systems promote socioecological improvements, food and nutritional sovereignty and security, restoration of degraded areas, and provide numerous ecosystem services. In order to trace a historical trajectory and review the main perspectives and challenges of Agroforestry in the different territories, here we aim to compile a series of experiences and lessons learned with SAF, from the perspective of several professionals and scholars on the subject who are working on this theme in the five corners of Brazil.
Teles Arantes Felipe, R., Pinto Rayol, B., Nery Fernandes Vasconcelos, B., Ferreira Sales, E., Mongeli Peneireiro, F., Silveira Franco, F., … Steenbock, W. (2023). SISTEMAS AGROFLORESTAIS AGROECOLÓGICOS. Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 18(1), 09–43.
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