Shuhei N ishidatt Abstract The feeding ecology ofmarile pelagic copepods has been intensively studied since the 1910 , s . Recently , many new techniques , such as high − speed cinematography , deep − sea ROV , azad SCUBA , have been introduced丘)r direct observatios of 出 e 三 r feeding behavior , These have clear 正 y revealed that particle −feeders employ suspensiQn feed − ing but not filter −feeding and that appendicularian houses are 血 portant food items f()r some pelagic calanoid , harpacticeid , and poe 〔 : ilostornatoid copepods . Part三 cle −feeders comm . only utilize microzooplankton such as c 三 h− ates and copepod 皿 aup 正 ii and fecaf pellets , Detrit 三 vory , strict selec も i、 ・ e predation , and gorging have been feund exclusively in oceanic copepods . Five calanoid families Diaix 五 dae , Parkiidae , Phaenn 五 dae , Scolecitrichidae , a皿 d Tharybidae w 三 th spec 三 al sensory setae on the mouthpar 士 s and the poecilostomatoid Oncaea are considered to be adap 七 ed for feeding on detrital matter sllch as appendicularian houses, Some heterorhabdids probably inject a venom or anesthetic into preγ animals to capture them . III the laboratory , predatien on 丘sh eggs and larvae by copepods , rejection of solne dino 且agellates by calanoids , developme皿 七 al inhibition of copepod eggs by feeding on some diatoms , and copepods , reactions to fecal pelle 七 s were demonstra七 ed . Pelagic copepods constitllte an assemblage of evolutionarily different groups . Among the 100rders, calanoids supposedly 丘rst colonized the marine pelagic realm , and , at present , are mQst successfully adapted Qf any ordeT to this environment by a wide var 三 ety of feeding mecha 皿 isms、 They have developed a wide var 三 ety of feed 三 ng mecha 皿 isms. On the other hand , poecilostomatoids have secondarily become adapted to pelagic environments and are loosely associated with 且sh larvae and pelagic invertebrates , such as salps and appendicularians 〕 f()r feeding . The calanoid family Heterorhabdidae consists of 2 particle ・ feedi 皿 g, 3carnivorous , and 2 intermediate genera . A phylogenetic analysis shQwed that the ca 皿 ivores ceUld have originated from the particle − feeders through the intermediate conditions , and that the mouthpart ele e 且 ts of the camivores could be derived from thQse of the particle − feeders with mod . ifica 七 iolls of も he original e} ements a 皿 d no addition of novel structures . Recent studies demonstrate that some copepods such as scolecitriChids and Onc αe α can eMcientl } 厂 feed o 駐 nanopla 皿 1(to且 trapPed 三 n apPendicularian houses, and ajso suggest that suspension −feeders Inay transport diatom resting spores into the sea . bottom in the epipelagic zQne and metals in the deep−sea bottoms through their feeding behavior , and thaも epipelagic carnivores may compete with 丘sh larvae f ' )r cQpepod nauplii and dinQ 且agellates . 1. は じめ に ' 1997 年 5 月 6 日 受 領 il997 年 7 月 11 . 日受 理 広 島 大 学生 物 生 産学 部 附 属水 産 実 験所 1 〒 725 広 島県竹 原 市 港 町 5−8−1 東 京 大 学梅 洋研 究所 i 〒 164 東 京 都 中 野 区 南台 1−15・ 1
Ohtsuka, S., & Nishida, S. (1997). Reconsideration on Feeding Habits of Marine Pelagic Copepods (Crustacea). Oceanography in Japan, 6(5), 299–320.
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