In the current developing focused market, forecasting or predicting the stock returns just as the organization's economic status will give more profits for the investors to contribute positively. Stock forecast can be done by utilizing the present and past information accessible available. Forecasting the stocks should be more exactness, scalability and less time utilization. Various enabling techniques has been taken in the field of data mining for predicting the stock market by approaching the genetic algorithms. Such as Decision Tree Classifiers, Artificial neural networks-ARIMA, Bollinger bands, RSI and so on. This survey paper review helps to know the best enabling technique tools for the predicting the stock mining how to invest, when to invest for the investors in the future. Many of the researchers has been analyzing the predictions of stock market by getting the help of Mining through genetically.
Tawarish, M., & Satyanarayana, K. (2019, January 1). A review on pricing prediction on stock market by different techniques in the field of data mining and genetic algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering. World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering.
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