Health Promotion Program (JUMSIH); To Enhance Children's Clean and Healthy Living Knowledge

  • Yufiarti Y
  • Edwita
  • Suharti
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Knowledge about clean and healthy life in children needs to be given early to shape behavior in everyday life. Knowledge about healthy living can be provided at school through various learning programs. This study aims to find the effectiveness of health promotion programs (JUMSIH) to increase children's knowledge about clean and healthy living. The research method is a pre-experimental one-shot case study design. The respondents of this study were 68 students aged 7-8 years. The results showed that the JUMSIH program can help children have knowledge about healthy living. Based on data analysis, n = 15 generally obtained scores above 2.6. It was concluded that healthy living skills are often performed by students such as hand washing, bathing, and toothbrush behavior which are basic skills for children to be able to live healthy lives. Suggestions for further research which is the development of various programs to increase awareness of clean and healthy living from an early age. 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Yufiarti, Y., Edwita, & Suharti. (2019). Health Promotion Program (JUMSIH); To Enhance Children’s Clean and Healthy Living Knowledge. JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 13(2), 341–355.

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