Design and fabrication of O-Wind turbine

ISSN: 22773878
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Wind as a power source is most commonly used in generating electricity as they are inexhaustible. The project deals with capturing of wind in all directions and thus, leads to generation of electricity with better output. The design is made in such a way that, fins are inclined to an angle and size of the fins varies as one end is larger and other end is smaller, gap between each fins are equally spaced. Medium-density fibreboard is used for machining of internal and external blades which are then used to prepare mould. Here, the usage of Glass fibre is to strengthen the blades. The main application of this type of turbine is that, these can be used in commercial places where the velocity of wind is considerably lower. O-wind turbine does not occupy more space also it can be fixed in balconies. This can also be used in places where the wind flow is higher especially in highways. When vehicles pass by, the turbine rotates at a faster rate to produce electricity which is useful during night.




Mohammed Ali, H., Seetharam, S., Ashwin, S., & Adithya, M. S. (2019). Design and fabrication of O-Wind turbine. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(1), 381–385.

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