Text Preprocessing Method on Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning

  • et al.
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In real world, twitter sentimental analysis (TSA) acting a major role in observing the public opinion about customer side. TSA is complex compared to general sentiment analysis due to pre-processing of text on Twitter. The maximum limit on the number of characters allowed on Twitter is 280. In this article we discuss the influence of the text pre-processing technique on the classification efficiency of emotions in two kinds of classification problems and summarize the classification efficiency of the four pre-processing methods. This paper contributes to the consumer satisfaction classification sentiment analysis and is useful in evaluating the details in the context of the amount of tweets where views are somewhat unstructured and are either positive or negative, or somewhere in between. We first pre-processed the dataset, then extracted the adjective from the dataset with some meaning called the feature vector, then selected the feature vector list and subsequently applied machine learning based classification algorithms namely: Naive Bayes, Random Forest and SVM along with WordNet based Semantic Orientation which extracts synonyms and similarity for the features of content. Experiments display that the accuracy (Acc) and average F1-measure (F1-M) of the classification classifier on Twitter are enhanced by using methods of pre-processing the extension of acronyms and swapping negation, but barely deleting numbers or stop words.




Mahilraj*, J., Tigistu, G., & Tumsa, S. (2020). Text Preprocessing Method on Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(12), 233–240. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.k7771.0991120

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