This work presents a novel approach to redefine a "Safe Aircraft" based on systems engineering fundamentals. We aim todemonstrate the possibility as well as suitability of the "Functional-Aircraft" instead of currently employed concept of "Physically-defined-Safe-Aircraft". The current work is consistent with ever-increasing number of flights; as it suggests that any aircraft that can complete its mission should not declare emergencies due to any physical malfunction. With proper simulations, wedemonstrate the feasibility of "Functionally Safe" concept as oppose to the "Physically Safe" aircraft. The process revolves around standard and well-known documents such as FTA and FMEA; which are produced during RDTE phases of the project. To demonstrate the feasibility of the concept, someincidents have been investigated. In overall, the approach is also expected to be useful alleviating both pilot and controllers' workload. Further studies are necessary to develop a full "Expert System" residing in existing aircraft "Flight Management System" to advice the pilot or even to assume control wherever necessary. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.
Malaek, S. M. B., & Shadram, Z. (2015). Online Near-Optimal Path Planning to Back-up Aircraft Mission Capabilities in Emergency Conditions. In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Vol. 1089, pp. 17–24). Springer Verlag.
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