[Id]Perencanaan produksi merupakan hal yang sangat dibutuhkan bagi perusahaan manufaktur yang meliputi pemenuhan permintaan produksi. Selama ini proses pemenuhan permintaan bahan baku produksi berupa benang, permintaan sparepart untuk mesin-mesin produksi pada PT. Argo Pantes Tbk, masih dilakukan secara konvensional, sehingga sering terjadi keterlambatan hasil produksi. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, dibutuhkan konsep manajemen produksi yang efektif dan efisien dalam rantai suplai perusahaan. Pada penelitian ini jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah jenis penelitian terapan (Applied Research) menggunakan model prototipe evolusioner. Analisa dan perancangan sistem menggunakan metode analisis dan perancangan berorientasi obyek (Object Oriented Analysis and Design) menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML). Dalam pengkodean menggunakan framework codeigniter dengan layout menggunakan konsep responsive design, rule sistem menggunakan pendekatan E-SCM (electronic supply chain management) dan semantic web. Pengujian validasi menggunakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Kualitas perangkat lunak yang dihasilkan diuji berdasarkan empat karakteristik kualitas perangkat lunak model ISO 9126, yaitu: functionality, reliability, usability, dan efficiency dengan? menggunakan metode kuesioner, serta teknik pengujian perangkat lunak dengan? menggunakan software Acunetix dan Blackbox Testing.? Prototipe sistem perencanaan produksi pada industri manufaktur yang dihasilkan dapat dengan mudah dibangun, mempermudah, menjaga, memberi dukungan dan bantuan perencanan produksi pada bagian persiapan dan PPC (Product Planning Control) Departement weaving I , yang menghasilkan informasi yang lebih cepat, tepat dan akurat demi memperbaiki kesalahan-kesalahan transaksi dan? menyediakan laporan-laporan yang cepat dan tepat.Kata kunci: perencanaan produksi, electronic supply chain management, codeigniter, semantic web, responsive design[En]Production planning is needed for manufacturing companies that include fulfillment request production. During this process of fulfillment of demand of raw material production in the form of yarn, request spare parts for production machines at PT Argo Pantes, still done conventionally, so often happen to delay the results of production. To solve the problem, it takes the concept of production management is effective and efficient in the supply chain of the company. On the research of this kind of research done is a kind of applied research (Applied Research) using evolutionary prototyping model. Researchers conducting data collection by way of observation, study of the literature, and interviews. Analysis and design of system using method of object-oriented analysis and design (Object Oriented Analysis and Design) by using the Unified Modelling Language (UML). In coding using codeigniter framework with the layout using the concept of responsive design, rule system using approach E-SCM (electronic supply chain management) and the semantic web to present data supplier. Validation testing using Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The quality of the resulting software tested based on four characteristics of software quality models ISO 9126, namely: functionality, reliability, usability, and efficiency by using methods of the questionnaire. Software testing techniques and with the use of Acunetix software and Blackbox Testing.? Prototype production planning system on the manufacturing industry produced can be easily built, simplify, maintain, support and assistance in the preparation of production perencanan and PPC (Product Planning Control) Department of weaving I, which produces the information more quickly, precisely and accurately for the sake of fixing the mistakes of transactions and providing reports quickly and accurately.Keywords: production planning, electronic supply chain management, codeigniter, semantic web, responsive design.
Kusumawati, T. I. J., & Wulandari, W. (2016). PROTOTIPE SISTEM PERENCANAAN PRODUKSI PADA INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR DENGAN PENDEKATAN E-SCM DAN SEMANTIC WEB, BERBASIS CODE IGNITER DAN RESPONSIVE DESIGN : STUDI KASUS PT.ARGO PANTES, Tbk. Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Infomasi Terapan, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.33197/jitter.vol2.iss2.2016.101
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