in Brongsongan, Sidorejo Village, Bendosari District, Sukoharjo Regency. Place height is around 125 masl and the soil type is grumosol. This research aims: to determine the effect of giving manure to the growth and yield of red rice. This study uses a Complete Randomized Block Design (RAKL) with the Nested Design method. The treatment consisted of 4 types of treatment factors, each of which was repeated as many as 3 blocks / replications. The factors are: P0: Without giving manure, P1: Giving cow manure, P2: Giving goat manure, and P3: Giving chicken manure. Observations were made by taking 5 sample plants in each treatment. This data was analyzed using Variety Analysis, which was followed by the LSD Test at the level of 5%. The results showed that (1) the treatment of manure did not significantly affect the growth of plant height and panicle length of rice plants, (2) the treatment of manure significantly affected the growth in the number of tillers and yields, namely the number of panicles, weight 100 seeds, dry weight and milled dry weight of rice plants. But from the results of these studies obtained the best growth and results found in P2, namely giving goat manure.
Wulandari, Y., Siswadi, S., & Triyono, K. (2019). KAJIAN MACAM PUPUK KANDANG TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL PADI MERAH ( Oryza sativa L. ). Innofarm:Jurnal Inovasi Pertanian, 21(1), 21.
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