1 Abstract We present, in this short paper, a model of artifi-cial brain based on the Software-Hardware integration in the "1 + 1 = 1" philosophy framework using ma-chine learning and multiprocessor system on chip, SoC. Its virtual experiences are generated by a deep learn-ing process with random changing of the structure of a net of artificial neural network, NoNN, using Monte Carlo method. It ensures creative property of the hu-man cognitive processing and possibility of the "human-machine" integration/"Human brain-Artificial Brain" in-tegration, which should be applied in various areas of online control. "1 + 1 = 1" ! According to Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), we cannot have the "pure being" unless we also take into consider-ation "pure nothing" i.e., being and nothing are oneness (1 + 1 = 1) which is neither being nor nothing but a third option presented rather by meta-language, "being-nothing", that tran-scends both. It we call the "one" philosophy. In fact, the "one" philosophy is find in Indian four-cornered argumentation logic (about 500 BC): affirmation X, negation of X, ¬X, both X ∧ ¬X and neither ¬(X ∨ ¬X), in which, X ∧ ¬X is integration of X and ¬X which represents a third option that transcends both. It describers not knowledge originated from logic (logical knowl-edge) but rather knowledge originated from a cognitive process in the human brain; in the Chinese "one" philosophy presented by Zhuang Zhou -(369-286 B.C.), in which he claimed that Dis-crimination, and the opposition of it, Nondiscrimination, are seen as oneness Discrimination-Nondiscrimination. It is not the com-mon sum, Discrimination + Nondiscrimination, but rather an in-tegration described perhaps firstly in the world by meta-language Discrimination-Nondiscrimination referred as a third option that transcends both Discrimination and Nondiscrimination. It repre-sents his feeling comes from cognitive processing; in Levis's modal logic and Lukasiewicz's multivalued logic (1930), in which, the value of truth like the third argumentation of Indian logic, is the integration of true and false -"false-false" integration. It is finding also in the "membership-nonmembership" integration pre-sented in the Lotfi Zadeh's fuzzy set theory (1965). It is clear that various meta-concepts, "being-nothing", "Discrimination-Nondiscrimination", "true-false" and "membership-nonmembership" have not meaning associated with common word/words, but an-other meaning related to the denotative concept described in the "sense and denotation" theory written by Frege FLG (1848-1925), which represents a meaning in the semantic and pragmatic as-pects of both conscious and non-conscious thoughts of the human brain [7].
Tran, C. (2017). Artificial Brain and “Human-Machine” Integration. Journal of Computer Science Applications and Information Technology, 2(3), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.15226/2474-9257/2/3/00118
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