India’s trade with nigeria: A competitive analysis through RCA and RSCA index

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Nigeria attracts the largest trading partnership from India compared to other African countries which India is a leading trade partner. Nigeria having losing its crude oil export destination to the United States, India stood out as the largest destination of Nigerian crude oil. It was estimated that more than 135 corporations are either owned or operated by Indians in Nigeria. The Revealed Comparative Advantage index (RCA) approach has been used to check the competitiveness of India with Nigeria in all commodities and further with Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA) the competitiveness has been calculated. India is having Comparative Advantage by exporting four commodities viz; Machinery, Pharmaceutical Products (30), Nuclear Reactors, Mechanical Appliances, Boilers; parts thereof (84), Vehicles other than Railway or Tramway Rolling Stock, and parts and accessories thereof (87), articles of Iron or Steel (73), and mainly with Pharmaceutical goods because of the average value of RCA from the period 2000-01 to 2017-18 is 50 and having a higher positive value of RSCA near to 0.9 so the study has analyzed the Bilateral Trade of India and Nigeria, India is having high Comparative advantage over Nigeria in this trade.




Nabi, T., & Kaur, T. P. (2019). India’s trade with nigeria: A competitive analysis through RCA and RSCA index. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 6240–6244.

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