Abstrak Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses adaptasi antarabudaya pelajar Melayu di Australia dan United Kingdom sewaktu melanjutkan pengajian mereka ke peringkat Ijazah Sarjana (Master) dan Ijazah Kedoktoran (Phd). Fokus kajian ini tertumpu kepada perbezaan budaya dan cara hidup pelajar di luar negara. Model Lekuk-U (Lysgaard, 1955) telah digunakan sebagai asas kepada penyelidikan) yang bermula dari peringkat bulan madu (honeymoon stage), peringkat kejutan budaya (culture shock stage), peringkat pelarasan (adjustment stage) dan akhir sekali peringkat penguasaan (mastery stage). Empat kumpulan fokus telah dijalankan membabitkan pelajar-pelajar sarjana Melayu yang telah belajar di Australia dan United Kingdom. Hasil analisis dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa peringkat berbulan madu (honeymoon stage) tidak dilalui oleh pelajar ini kerana peringkat awal di negara baru lebih tertumpu untuk menyesuaikan diri dan mempelajari bagaimana untuk beradaptasi. Mereka kurang mempunyai masa untuk bersuka-ria. Walaupun terdapat cabaran sebagai seorang Muslim di luar negara, pelajar mampu menjalani hidup dengan baik kerana negara luar telah mula mendapat pendedahan tentang cara hidup orang Islam. Abstract The aim of this study is to study the cultural adaptation process underwent by Malay students who pursued their post-graduate studies, either Masters degree or PhD in Australia and United Kingdom. The focus of this research is on the difference in culture and lifestyles as students overseas. The U-Curve model (Lysgaard, 1955) was used as the basis of this study . The model focuses on the early adaptation (honeymoon stage), culture shock stage, adjustment stage and lastly, mastery. Four focus groups were conducted on postgraduate Malay students studying in Australia and United Kingdom. The main findings stated that the students do not necessarily go through the honeymoon stage as during the early adaptation process they were more focused on trying to adapt and learning how to adapt. They did not get to enjoy as much in the beginning. Although there were challenges faced as Muslims overseas, the students were able to practice theur Muslim faith well as people from the host countries are now more exposed to the teachings of Islam.
Pawanteh, L. (2015). Eksplorasi Adaptasi Antarabudaya Pelajar Melayu di Australia dan United Kingdom (The Exploration of The Intercultural Adaptation of Malay Students in Australia and United Kingdom). Jurnal Komunikasi, Malaysian Journal of Communication, 31(2), 389–403. https://doi.org/10.17576/jkmjc-2015-3102-22
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