ABSTRACT ABSTRAC  Clove (Syzygium aromaticum L)  is a spices to be cultivated in Mollucas, Recently the population of clove plant has be decressed as a result of weeds that impended the growth of clove. The identification of weeds is the first step in controlling weeds, however until now there has been no research on the influence of  Inventaritation of weed spices in important as the base of an accurate weed control. This research on weed inventaritation clove planting area is important as the base of an accurate is based on summed Dominance Ratio (SDR), at the clove plant areal in Allang Vilagge, Village Central Mollucas District). This research using weed survey method type quadrat method with sample plot size 1 m x 1m. The result show that 23 species of weed, , with details of weeds 18 broad leaves, 4 grasses, and 1 cyperaceae in the clove areal planting in Allang village ABSTRAK Cengkih (Syzygium aromaticum. L) merupakan salah satu tanaman rempah yang dibudidayakan di Maluku. Walaupun tanaman cengkih produktif namun telah terjadi penurunan produksi secara terus menerus, karena adanya kehadiran gulma.  Pengenalan jenis-jenis gulma dominan merupakan langkah awal dalam menentukan keberhasilan pengendalian gulma. Data inventarisasi jenis gulma sangat penting dalam menghitung nilai SDR pada areal pertanaman cengkih di Negeri Allang , Kabupaten Maluku Tengah.Penelitian ini menggunakan methode kuadrat dengan petak sampel ukuran 1m x 1m. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya 23 jenis gulma, antara lain 8 jenis gulma daun lebar, 4 gula rerumputan dan 1 gulma tekianpada areal pertanaman cengkih di Negeri Allang    Â
Tanasale, V. L., Marasabessy, D. A., & Goo, N. (2021). Inventarisasi Jenis Gulma di Areal Pertanaman Cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum. L) di Negeri Allang Kecamatan Leihitu Barat Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Dan Agribisnis, 4(2), 29–39. https://doi.org/10.51852/jaa.v4i2.435
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