As the physical scaling limit of silicon-based integrated circuits is approached, new materials and device structures become necessary. The exclusive-OR (XOR) gate is a basic logic gate performed as a building block for digital adder and encrypted circuits. Here, we suggest that using the ambipolar property of carbon nanotubes and the threshold modulation ability of dual-gate field-effect transistors, an XOR gate can be constructed in only one transistor. For a traditional XOR gate, 4 to 6 transistors are needed, and this low-footprint topology could be employed in the future for hyperscaling and three-dimensional logic and memory transistor integration.
Liu, X., Sun, B., Huang, K., Feng, C., Li, X., Zhang, Z., … Liu, H. (2022). Use of Ambipolar Dual-Gate Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor to Configure Exclusive-OR Gate. ACS Omega, 7(10), 8819–8823.
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