Improving the Efficiency of Solar Photovoltaic Cell by Decreasing Surface Temperature

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Supply of energy is able to meet the increasing demand of today’s people, which is major causes faced by world. The shortage of power can be reduced by using renewable energy resources. There are many renewable energy resources like wind, tidal and biomass energy, solar energy. The mostsignificant form of renewable source is solar energy. It has undergone a research and development in the recent years and still it is developing. Solar photovoltaic cell is device used in solar energy conversion. It converts forthrightly electrical energy from the sunlight. The efficiency of PV cell is disturbed when rise in working temperature. Temperature on the panel is inversely proportional to the power generation. The main problem met by solar cell is temperature rise. Due to this temperature the energy conversion is low. By decreasing the temperature on the surface of PV panel to enhance the electric efficiency. So, in present-day different cooling methods have been projected and verified experimentally. Several techniques have been tried, mostly based on active water and air cooling, as these are simple techniques. The main objective of this system is to increase the solar panel efficiency using water cooling method of the panel gets cooled by exchange temperature.




Jaiganesh, K. … Srinivas, N. (2019). Improving the Efficiency of Solar Photovoltaic Cell by Decreasing Surface Temperature. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 3235–3239.

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