Penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh hidrogeologi terhadap penyebaran lindi telah dilakukan di sekitar TPA Gampong Jawa Kota Banda Aceh menggunakan metode geolistrik resistivitas. Akuisisi data di lapangan menggunakan alat SuperSting R8/IP yang dilakukan di bagian timur dan barat TPA Gampong Jawa. Pengukuran yang dilakukan menggunakan 2 lintasan pengukuran dengan panjang lintasan yaitu 224 m. Konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger dari metode geolistrik resistivitas digunakan sehingga diharapkan dapat mengidentifikasi penyebaran lindi di lintasan pengukuran. Hasil akuisisi data di lapangan diolah menggunakan software Res2dinv untuk mendapatkan model 2D resistivitas bawah permukaan di lintasan pengukuran. Nilai resistivitas lapisan yang mengandung lindi yaitu 1 Ώm yang diidentifikasi pada lintasan 1 dan lintasan 2. Sebaran lindi di lintasan 1 terdapat pada jarak 20 – 115 m dan 145 – 185 m yang mempunyai kedalaman 5 – 13 m, dan di lintasan 2 terdapat pada jarak 20 – 80 m, 100 m, 125 – 130 m, 165-185 m dan 210 – 240 m yang mempunyai kedalaman 8 – 27 m. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa diperkirakan terdapatnya pengaruh hidrogeologi terhadap sebaran lindi di lokasi penelitian, sehingga diidentifikasi adanya lindi yang mengalir ke sungai. The research to identify of hydrogeological effect on leachate distribution was conducted at Gampong Jawa landfill Area Banda Aceh City by using goelectrical resistivity method. Data acquisition in the field by using SuperSting R8/IP instrument was conducted in the east and west of Gampong Jawa Area. The measurements were conducted by using 2 lines with length of the lines measurement is 224 m. The Wenner-Schlumberger configuration of geoelectrical resistivity method is used that expected would be identifying the leachate distribution in lines measurement. The data acquisition in the field is processed by using Res2dinv software to get the 2D model of sub surface resistivity in lines measurement. The resistivity value on the layer containing leachate is 1 Ώm identified at first line dan second line. The leachate distribution in first line showed at distances 20 – 115 m and 145 – 185 m with 5 – 13 m depth, and in second line showed at distances 20 – 80 m, 100 m, 125 – 130 m, 165 - 185 m and 210 – 240 m with 8 – 27 m depth. The result suggested that existence hydrogeological effect on leachate distribution in the research location, so that identified existence the leachate distribution which flowing to the river. Keywords: landfill, leachate, geoelestrical resistivity method, Wenner-Schlumberger configuration
Ulfani, U., Badawi, D. A., Nurjannah, S., & Sugiyanto, D. (2019). Identification of Hydrogeological Effects on Leachate Spread in the East and West of the Java Gampong Landfill Using the Geoelectric Method. Journal of Aceh Physics Society, 8(2), 41–46.
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