Cadastre was used to identify the dimension and position of the properties defined in legal documents. It consists of the geometric description of the parcels that describing the interests and ownerships including the property's value. Cadastre plays an important role in land administration for state authorities and federal organizations in terms of ownership (rights, restrictions, and responsibilities). Meanwhile, cadastre in the marine area is still quite unclear due to separate working systems between land and marine region. Coastal and maritime spaces with various uses regularly lead to overlapping rights issues in the water surface, water column, and seabed as well as conflict in technical, legal, and stakeholder management. Since some part of the marine area is considered as land space, there were a few ideas that have been proposed in managing marine area within land administration to overcome those issues. The current land standard data model that has been referred to, is Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). This standard has been proven relevant to 3D cadastre inland and marine environments. Some works discussed the probabilities of managing the marine environment within land administration. Thus, this paper attempted to review the possibilities of integrating marine cadastre within land administration.
Zamzuri, N. A. A., & Hassan, M. I. (2021). 3D Marine Cadastre within Land Administration - Review. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 767). IOP Publishing Ltd.
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