Earthquake can cause many problems to the structures, which lead to buildings collapse and may takes humans life. It is a nature’s hazard that cannot be stop. One of the effort is by introducing the damping system to the buildings where the energy of the system is slowly reduced until the vibration of the system is totally eliminated and the system is brought to rest. Several techniques are available nowadays, however passive control system has advantage in term of cost compare to other systems. Multiple Tuned Liquid Damper (MTLD) is a passive system that traditionally made of several rigid tanks filled with water, usually placed on top of a building. The energy will dissipates through the sloshing and wave-breaking of the liquid once the earthquake strike the buildings. Shaking table tests are carried out on a two-bay, two-story steel frame with water tanks for different location. In this test, the displacement and acceleration for top and base are studied.
Ishak, I. S., Amin, N. M., & Hamid, N. A. (2019). Shaking table test on different positions of multiple tuned liquid damper. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 5863–5867.
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