We report the discovery of two faint ultracool companions to the nearby (d~17.9 pc) young G2V star HD 130948 (HR 5534, HIP 72567) using the Hokupa'a adaptive optics instrument mounted on the Gemini North 8-meter telescope. Both objects have the same common proper motion as the primary star as seen over a 7 month baseline and have near-IR photometric colors that are consistent with an early-L classification. Near-IR spectra taken with the NIRSPEC AO instrument on the Keck II telescope reveal K I lines, FeH, and water bandheads. Based on these spectra, we determine that both objects have spectral type dL2 with an uncertainty of 2 spectral subclasses. The position of the new companions on the H-R diagram in comparison with theoretical models is consistent with the young age of the primary star (<0.8 Gyr) estimated on the basis of X-ray activity, lithium abundance and fast rotation. HD 130948 B and C likely constitute a pair of young contracting brown dwarfs with an orbital period of about 10 years, and will yield dynamical masses for L dwarfs in the near future.
Potter, D., Martín, E. L., Cushing, M. C., Baudoz, P., Brandner, W., Guyon, O., & Neuhäuser, R. (2002). Hokupa’a-Gemini Discovery of Two Ultracool Companions to the Young Star HD 130948. The Astrophysical Journal, 567(2), L133–L136. https://doi.org/10.1086/339999
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