Optimization of Assembly Processes Based on Lean Manufacturing Tools. Case Studies: Television and Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) Assemblers

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In the current global context, where competition is growing, it is necessary to change the ways how companies operate, eliminating waste through the implementation of optimization tools such as the ones included in the Lean Manufacturing (LM) philosophy. LM is defined as a systematic process of waste elimination, which achieves a sustained rate of improvement over time. This research describes an optimization proposal with LM tools, performing an analysis of the processes’ state of two companies focused on the assembly of televisions and Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) for televisions, respectively. Through Value Stream Mapping (VSM), it was possible to identify problems in the production processes within the two case studies. Regarding televisions, the use of various tools such as 5S and Workloads led to the elimination of one workstation, projecting an increase of almost 5% of the units produced in the assembly capacity of the plant. In the case of PCBs, the distances traveled by operators was reduced with the use of plant distribution strategies and the creation of a supermarket to supply post-assembly activities. These actions allowed the company to reduce 35% in traveled distances and increase 3.69% in the number of produced units. Validation of the optimization proposal was done through computer simulations using a process modeling software.




Cuesta, S., Siguenza-Guzman, L., & Llivisaca, J. (2020). Optimization of Assembly Processes Based on Lean Manufacturing Tools. Case Studies: Television and Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) Assemblers. In Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1195 CCIS, pp. 443–454). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42531-9_35

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