Chicken DT40 cells are a very favourable system to use for the study of apoptosis. These cells undergo apoptosis readily in response to a variety of physiological and experimental stimuli. Their response to chemotherapeutic agents such as etoposide is rapid and efficient, facilitating biochemical analysis of apoptotic execution. Because many of the genes involved in apoptotic execution are not essential for cellular life, DT40 cells also provide a ready system for the genetic analysis of apoptosis, in which true null mutations may be isolated. Here we describe standard procedures for the induction and analysis of apoptosis in DT40 cells. We also describe a few of the conclusions from our studies in which several components of the apoptotic execution pathway have been knocked out.
Ruchand, S., Samejima, K., Hudson, D., Kaufmann, S. H., & Earnshaw, W. C. (2006). Genetic analysis of apoptotic execution. Sub-Cellular Biochemistry.
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