Ordered nanoarchitectures have attracted an intense research interest recently because of their promising device applications. They are always fabricated by self-assembling building blocks such as nanowires, nanodots. This kind of bottom up approaches is limited in poor control over height, lateral resolution, aspect ratio, and patterning. Here, we break these limits and realize 3D sculpturing of vertical ZnO nanowire arrays (NAs) based on the conventional photolithography approach. These are achieved by immersing nanowire NAs in thick photoresist (PR) layers, which enable the cutting and patterning of ZnO NAs as well as the tailoring of NAs. Our strategy of 3D sculpturing of NAs promisingly paves the way for designing novel NAs-based nanoarchitectures.
Shi, R., Huang, C., Zhang, L., Amini, A., Liu, K., Shi, Y., … Cheng, C. (2016). Three Dimensional Sculpturing of Vertical Nanowire Arrays by Conventional Photolithography. Scientific Reports, 6. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep18886
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