In this paper, we conduct a systematic study for the very first time on the poisoning attack to neural collaborative filtering-based recommender systems, exploring both availability and target attacks with their respective goals of distorting recommended results and promoting specific targets. The key challenge arises on how to perform effective poisoning attacks by an attacker with limited manipulations to reduce expense, while achieving the maximum attack objectives. With an extensive study for exploring the characteristics of neural collaborative filterings, we develop a rigorous model for specifying the constraints of attacks, and then define different objective functions to capture the essential goals for availability attack and target attack. Formulated into optimization problems which are in the complex forms of non-convex programming, these attack models are effectively solved by our delicately designed algorithms. Our proposed poisoning attack solutions are evaluated on datasets from different web platforms, e.g., Amazon, Twitter, and MovieLens. Experimental results have demonstrated that both of them are effective, soundly outperforming the baseline methods.
Zhang, Y., Lou, J., Chen, L., Yuan, X., Li, J., Johnsten, T., & Tzeng, N. F. (2020). Towards poisoning the neural collaborative filtering-based recommender systems. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 12308 LNCS, pp. 461–479). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
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