Wetlands protection programs, as a relative new approach in surface water and ground-water protection The types of Wetlands, theirs mechanism of removal nutrients and other pollutants from water are shown in this work paper. Wetland restoration, the renewal of natural and historical wetlands that have been lost or degraded, is a growing activity. Constructed wetlands, as treatment systems that use natural processes, are very adequate and highly efficient, low cost way in wastewater treatment for small communities, point pollution sources, depending, of course on conditions and adequate land spaces near those places. Some examples from Serbia of this way and approach are shown.Program zastite vetlanda, kao relativno novi pristup zastiti povrsinskih i podzemnih voda, vrste vetlanda i mehanizam ukljanjanja nutrijenata i drugih zagadjujucih materija su prikazani u ovom radu. Obnavljanje i vec degradiranih vetlanda, u naporu za poboljsanje kvaliteta povrsinskih voda je danas sve aktuelnija aktivnost u svetu. Vestacki vetlandi, kao sistemi za preciscavanje voda koji koriste prirodne procese su vrlo primereni i visoko efikasni, male cene prerade otpadnih voda naselja, koncentrisanih zagadjivaca sto sve, naravno, zavisi od uslova i raspolozivog prostora za izgradnju. Dato je nekoliko primera ovakvog pristupa preciscavanju voda u Srbiji.
Nikolic, V., Milicevic, D., & Milenkovic, S. (2009). Wetlands, constructed wetlands and theirs role in wastewater treatment with principles and examples of using it in Serbia. Facta Universitatis - Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 7(1), 65–82. https://doi.org/10.2298/fuace0901065n
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