The study aims at modelling the drying kinetics of a pharmaceutical powder with active ingredient Candesartan Cilexetil . The kinetics was carried out in a vacuum dryer at different temperature levels, pressure, initial mass, and water content. The effect of some operating parameters on the drying time was studied. The modelling of drying times was based on the use of experimental design method. The data obtained were adjusted using 17 semi-empirical models, one proposed, a static ANN and DA_SVMR, regrouping all studied kinetics. The proposed model and DA_SVMR model were chosen as the most appropriate to describe the drying kinetics. Cilj rada je modeliranje kinetike sušenja farmaceutskog praha s aktivnim sastojkom Candesartan Cilexetil . Kinetika je izvedena u vakuumskoj sušilici pri različitim temperaturama, tlaku, početnoj masi i sadržaju vode. Proučavan je utjecaj nekih radnih parametara na vrijeme sušenja. Modeliranje vremena sušenja temeljilo se na primjeni eksperimentalne metode dizajna. Dobiveni podatci prilagođeni su pomoću 17 poluempirijskih modela, jednog predloženog, statičkog ANN i DA_SVMR, pregrupirajući svu proučavanu kinetiku. Predloženi model i model DA_SVMR pokazali su se kao najprikladniji za opisivanje kinetike sušenja.
Keskes, S., Hanini, S., Hentabli, M., & Laidi, M. (2020). Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Modelling of the Drying Kinetics of Pharmaceutical Powders. Kemija u Industriji, 69(3–4), 137–152.
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