ABSTRAK Penyakit Gagal Ginjal Kronik (GGK) adalah kerusakan fungsi ginjal yang bersifat irreversibel dimana terjadi kegagalan kemampuan tubuh untuk mempertahankan keseimbangan metabolik, cairan, dan elektrolit. GGK ditandai dengan ketidakseimbangan cairan yang masuk dan yang dikeluarkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi diagnosa keperawatan pada klien gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani terapi hemodialisis. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah klien GGK dengan terapi hemodialisis di ruang hemodialisa RSI Jemursari Surabaya dengan besar sampel 20 klien yang diambil dengan teknik consecutive sampling . Variabel dalam penelitian adalah diagnosa keperawatan. Instrumen pengumpulan data adalah kuesioner berupa format pengkajian keperawatan, rekam medis klien dan daftar diagnosa keperawatan. Metode pengambilan data dengan cara wawancara dan obsevasi. Hasil penelitian disajikan dalam tabel distribusi frekuensi dan dianalisis secara deskripsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klien GGK seluruhnya mengalami diagnosa Hipovolemia bd gangguan mekanisme regulasi dan diagnosa risiko ketidakseimbangan elektrolit b.d disfungsi ginjal. Diharapkan klien melakukan pembatasan asupan cairan dan diet yang ketat , disertai motivasi keluarga kepada klien. Kata Kunci : GGK, Diagnosa Keperawatan GGK IDENTIFICATION OF NURSING DIAGNOSES IN CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE CLIENTS THAT ARE UNDERGOING HEMODIALYSIS THERAPY ABSTRACT Chronic Kidney Failure (CKD) is an irreversible damage to kidney function where there is a failure of the body's ability to maintain metabolic, fluid, and electrolyte balance. CKD is characterized by an imbalance of fluid intake and output. The purpose of this study was to identify nursing diagnoses in clients with chronic kidney failure undergoing hemodialysis therapy. The population in this study were CKD clients with hemodialysis therapy in the hemodialysis room of RSI Jemursari Surabaya with a sample size of 20 clients who were taken by consecutive sampling technique. The variable in the study is nursing diagnoses. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire in the form of a nursing assessment format, client medical records and a list of nursing diagnoses. Methods of collecting data by means of interviews and observations. The research results are presented in the frequency distribution table and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that all CKD clients had a diagnosis of hypovolemia related to impaired regulatory mechanisms and a diagnosis of risk of electrolyte imbalance related to kidney dysfunction. It is expected that the client will restrict fluid intake and strict diet, accompanied by family motivation to the client. Keywords : CKD, Nursing Diagnosis of CKD
Aprillya Nilla Pertiwi, Dwi Utari Widiastuti, Hepta Nur Anugraheni, & Padoli, P. (2022). IDENTIFIKASI DIAGNOSA KEPERAWATAN PADA KLIEN GAGAL GINJAL KRONIK YANG MENJALANI TERAPI HEMODIALISIS. JURNAL KEPERAWATAN, 16(3). https://doi.org/10.36568/nersbaya.v16i3.42
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