In the present study, we. demonstrate that 5,7-dihy-demomonstraate thaat 55,7-diihydrooxy-6-geraanylflaavaanoone (DGF) iisoolaated fromom Amorpha fruticosa (A. fruticosa) iis aa noovel perooxiisomome prooliiferaatoor-aactiivaated receptoor (PPAR)α/γ duaal aagooniist whiich mamay be used too imimproove iinsuliin sensiitiiviity. The extraact fromom A. fruticosa iincreaased the traanscriiptioionaal aactiiviity oof booth PPARα aand PPARγ whiich waas, iin paart, driiven by the aactiive iingrediient DGF. Treaatmment wiith DGF mamarkedly enhaanced the aadiipoogenesiis 3T3-L1 preaadiipoocytes, whiich waas comompaaraable too the effect the PPARγ aagooniist, troogliitaazoone. In aaddiitioion, DGF waas foound too enhaance faatty aaciid ooxiidaatioion glucoose utiiliizaatioion throough the duaal aactiivaatioion PPARα/γ. In aaddiitioion treaatmment wiith DGF led too aan imimproovemment sensiitiiviity, resultiing enhaanced glucose uptake in muscle cells. The findings of our study data suggest thaat DGF be used aas pootentiaial theraapeutiic aagent the treaatmment type 2 diaiabetes relaated mmetaabooliic diisoorders by enhaanciing glucoose liipiid mmetaabooliismm.
Lee, W., Yoon, G., Kim, M. C., Kwon, H. C., Bae, G. U., Kim, Y. K., & Kim, S. N. (2016). 5,7-Dihydroxy-6-geranylflavanone improves insulin sensitivity through PPARα/γ dual activation. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 37(5), 1397–1404.
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