New measurements on isobaric fission product yields and mean kinetic energy for 241Pu thermal neutron-induced fission

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Nuclear fission yields data measurements for thermal neutron induced fission of 241Pu have been carried out at the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, using the Lohengrin mass spectrometer. Mass, isotopic and isomeric yields have been extracted for the last measurements. A focus is given in this document to the mass yield results which are obtained for almost the entire heavy peak and most of the light high yields masses, along with the covariance matrix. The mean kinetic energy as a function of the fission product mass has also been extracted from the measurements. The total mean kinetic energy pre and post neutron emission have been assessed and compared to other works showing a rather good agreement.




Julien-Laferrière, S., Kessedjian, G., Serot, O., Chebboubi, A., Bernard, D., Blanc, A., … Sage, C. (2018). New measurements on isobaric fission product yields and mean kinetic energy for 241Pu thermal neutron-induced fission. In EPJ Web of Conferences (Vol. 169). EDP Sciences.

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