Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to explore the various problemsassociatedwith the technological, pedagogical, and psychological aspects of mobilelearning and develop recommendations for its improvement. Background:Mobilelearning becomes increasingly popular today. This type of learning is relativelynew. It has recently gained popularity due to the pandemic restrictions in 2020.As mobile learning is being actively used, educators, students,and other professionalsbegin to note its positive and negative sides. Methodology:The study isbased on the method of experiment as well as an online 11-item questionnairewas conducted (developed by authors) with 110 teachers in Russianuniversities(Russian State University named by A.N. Kosygina, I.M. Sechenov FirstMoscow State Medical University, and Kuban State TechnologicalUniversity).Contribution: The practical significance and prospects for further research arebased on the possibility of using the results in further study of the problem ofthe impact of mobile applications on specific indicators. Findings: It was foundthat, given the great prevalence of mobile devices today, there is every reasonto implement mobile learning at universities. However, there are infrastructuralproblems that prevent the widespread use of this mode of delivery (problemswith the Internet, old gadgets that do not support 4G, lack of technical support,etc.). Teachers also mention a set of problems associated with the quality of suchtraining, which are mainly related to pedagogical and psychological aspects ofthe process. About 56% of university teachers say that students often behaveirresponsibly during online classes. They are inattentive, tend to skip lessons,and do not hand in the tasks, which leads to a decline of knowledge and failing attests and exams. Around 68% of teachers have difficulties adapting their teachingmethods to a mobile learning environment.Recommendationsfor Practitioners and Researchers: This study proposes structuredrecommendations to improvethe quality of mobile learning by advancing technology skills, adapting mobilelearning to the needs of universities, and raising the motivation of teachers andstudents. Impact on Society: The results of the study can be used to analyze andcompare the impact of mobile learning on society, efficiency in various fields,as well as mobile learning of students on future employment and life in society.Future Research: In the future it will be important to conduct a comparativeanalysis of the impact of mobile learning on students and teachers, to study theeffectiveness of such learning in general.
Sakka, F., Gura, A., Latysheva, V., Mamlenkova, E., & Kolosova, O. (2022). Solving Technological, Pedagogical, and Psychological Problems in Mobile Learning. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 16(2), 144–158.
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