ABSTRACTInnovation of LED lamp are encouraged the research and development to obtain effective and eco-friendly fishing lamp. However, information about response, behaviour and retina adaptation of main target species to LED light are still limited. Meanwhile, this information is a key to determining intensity of effective LED light for fishing operation. The aims of this study are to determine response and retina adaptation of anchovy (Stolephorus sp.) to different LED colour. This research was performed to the anchovies with total length 4.80-6.10 cm, which were acclimated in the fish tank. Fish response was observed visually and recorded by video camera. Retina adaptation was analysed by using histology method through pigment and cone index at light zone respectively. The results showed the fish response to white LED 3.4 times was faster than blue LED. However times duration of anchovy at the lighting area was 1.8 times longer in the area of blue lighting. The anchovies were more responsive to white LED (p value= 0.0033) with the average number of fish was 45 individuals. White LED with illumination between 42-96 lux was the optimal illumination for fishing operation which can reach the highest cone index about 64-73%.Keywords: cone index, effectiveness, fishing, illuminationABSTRAKPenemuan lampu LED mendorong berkembangnya penelitian untuk menghasilkan fishing lamp yang lebih efektif dan ramah lingkungan. Namun informasi tentang respons, tingkah laku dan adaptasi retina mata ikan target tangkapan terhadap cahaya lampu LED masih terbatas. Pada dasarnya, informasi tersebut menjadi kunci dalam penentuan intensitas cahaya lampu LED yang efektif untuk penangkapan ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan respons dan adaptasi retina mata ikan teri (Stolephorus sp.) terhadap lampu LED dengan warna berbeda. Penelitian menggunakan ikan teri dengan panjang total antara 4,80-6,10 cm yang telah melalui proses aklimatisasi dalam bak penampungan. Pengamatan terhadap respons ikan teri dilakukan secara visual dan direkam dengan video kamera. Adaptasi retina mata ikan teri diamati berdasarkan hasil histologi dengan melihat nilai indeks pigmen dan indeks kon pada masing-masing zona pencahayaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ikan teri 3,4 kali lebih cepat merespons lampu LED putih dibandingkan terhadap lampu LED biru. Namun ikan teri bertahan 1,8 kali lebih lama di area pencahayaan warna biru. Ikan teri lebih memberikan respons yang lebih baik pada LED putih (p value= 0,0033) dengan rata-rata jumlah ikan yang berkumpul di area pencahayaan sebanyak 45 ekor. Lampu LED warna putih dengan iluminasi cahaya antara 42-96 lux merupakan lampu paling ideal untuk penangkapan teri karena menghasilkan adaptasi sel kon paling tinggi dengan indeks kon antara 64-73%.Kata kunci: indeks kon, efektivitas, penangkapan, iluminasi
Susanto, A., Fitri, A. D. P., Putra, Y., Susanto, H., & Alawiyah, T. (2017). RESPONS DAN ADAPTASI IKAN TERI (Stolephorus sp.) TERHADAP LAMPU LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) (Response and Adaptation of Anchovy (Stolephorus sp.) to Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lamp). Marine Fisheries : Journal of Marine Fisheries Technology and Management, 8(1), 39–49. https://doi.org/10.29244/jmf.8.1.39-49
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