n the last decade, uilding nformation odeling has been of broad and great interest in both the academia and industry. assive amounts of researches have been published in academic ournals, boo s and conference proceedings. owever, more than half of the published researches are not cited, and some researches with similar questions and outputs are published. n this research, the in ed ata paradigm is utili ed with ontologies to provide a structured database of the different articles of and mapped to different aspects in a semantically meaningful format. The proposed ontologies and in ed ata can accelerate and enhance systematic reviews and metadata analysis for future studies. lso, it can assist young researchers to define the gaps that need to be filled in studies and avoid repetitive
Farghaly, K. (2019). Ontologies and Linked Data for structuring published BIM articles. In Proceedings of the 2019 European Conference on Computing in Construction (Vol. 1, pp. 223–228). University College Dublin. https://doi.org/10.35490/ec3.2019.143
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