Teori Evolutionism dalam Epistemologi Usul Fiqh dari Perspektif Barat [The Theory of Evolutionism in the Epistemology of Usul Fiqh From the Western Perspective]

  • Mustapha A
  • Ali A
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Perkembangan hukum Islam yang mencapai kemuncak kegemilangan pada zaman kerajaan Abasiyyah telah menarik perhatian sarjana Barat dalam menghasilkan pelbagai kajian dan teori terhadap  Zaman Keemasan hukum Islam  atau The Golden Age of Islamic Jurisprudence.  Penglibatan Ignaz Goldziher, Joseph Schacht, David Powers dan Wael Hallaq telah menghasilkan pelbagai kajian terhadap perkembangan usul fiqh dan sebahagian daripada karya mereka telah mendapat pengiktirafan daripada sarjana Barat sebagai The Sacred Book of Islamic Law, dan The Father of Islamic Studies. Teori Evolutionism merupakan rumusan pemahaman Barat yang merupakan garapan pemahaman umum orientalis Barat terhadap Zaman Kegemilangan hukum Islam yang didakwa terhasil akibat wujudnya elemen asing (Foreign Elements). Artikel ini dihasilkan untuk menganalisis karya penulisan Goldziher, Joseph Schacht, Wael Hallaq dan beberapa pandangan daripada orientalis kontemporari dalam menilai variasi pandangan mereka terhadap perkembangan hukum Islam yang didakwa berasaskan dogma daripada Barat. Kajian ini berasaskan kajian kualitatif dan penganalisisan data menggunakan metodologi historis dan komparatif. Hasil penganalisisan dapat dirumuskan bahawa dakwaan Goldziher dan Schacht terhadap epistemologi usul fiqh yang berasaskan dogma Barat adalah tidak tepat dan ia menafikan Teori Evolutionism dan teori The Legal Transplant yang telah diperkenalkan oleh orientalis Barat terhadap epistemologi usul fiqh. The development of Islamic Law during the Abbasid period, known as The Golden Age of Islamic Jurisprudence has attracted the attention of western scholars and their contribution in Islamic Law. Many books and articles on  usul fiqh written by Ignaz Goldziher, Joseph Schacht, David Powers, and Wael Hallaq were acknowledged by the Westerners and some of their contributions were known as The Sacred Book of Islamic Law and  The Father of Islamic Studies. The Theory of Evolutionism was a stigmatism of Orientalists writing on the zenith of Islamic law during the third century, which derived from foreign elements. This article is to analyze the writing of Goldziher, Joseph Schacht, Wael Hallaq, and other Orientalists on their assumption of western dogma in Islamic Jurisprudence. This study used qualitative, historic, and comparative methodologies. The findings verified the invalidation in  Schacht and Goldziher allegation on the foreign elements in usul fiqh. Thus, the Legal Transplant and the Theory of Evolutionism evolved by the Westerners in the methodology of usul  fiqh are rejected.




Mustapha, A., & Ali, A. K. (2022). Teori Evolutionism dalam Epistemologi Usul Fiqh dari Perspektif Barat [The Theory of Evolutionism in the Epistemology of Usul Fiqh From the Western Perspective]. Jurnal Islam Dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 23(3), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.37231/jimk.2022.23.3.692

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