The question is di sc u ~se d whether, a nd to what extent, the vapor press ure lowering of an aqueous solutlOn contallllllg t wo salts A and B can be co mpou nded a dditively from t he vapor press ure lowerings of a solution con tain ing the salt A a lone a nd another solution con-tainin& t l~ e salt B alone. In sorn.e insta nces the a dditivity of vapor press ure lowering is t rue wlthm less than 0.5 p ercent ; S IX systems have been examined a nd the greatest deviation from a dditivity a mounts to 2.0 percent.
Robinson, R. A., & Bower, V. E. (1965). An additivity rule for the vapor pressure lowering of aqueous solutions. Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards Section A: Physics and Chemistry, 69A(4), 365.
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