Effects of adolescent attitudes on forming intention to stop smoking

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Cigarettes are one of the leading causes of death in the world and are the only legal product that kills up to half of its use. Smoking habit causes at least 30 types of diseases in humans. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of life skill education models on cigarette control in adolescents in Tellulimpoe District, Sinjai Regency. The population in this study were all adolescents living in Tellulimpoe District, Sinjai Regency. A sampling of research with selected purposive sampling and selected cluster sampling techniques. Selected purposive sampling uses qualitative methods, with teenage informants aged 11 years to 15 years. Selected cluster Sampling uses quantitative methods with teenage respondents. The selected sample was 318 respondents. The study was conducted for three months, namely 1 July to 30 October 2019. The results of the study were that adolescent attitudes were good with the formation of a good smoking cessation category of 6 people (2.7%) and a category of less 217 people (97.3%); adolescent attitudes less with the formation of the intention to stop smoking with a good category of 2 people (2.1%) and less categories of 93 people (97.3%). Subjective norms are good with the formation of quitting intentions with good categories of 0 people (0%) and fewer categories of 89 people (100%); subjective norms less with the formation of the intention to stop smoking with a good category of 8 people (3.5%) and the category of less than 221 people (96.5%). Adolescent beliefs are good with the formation of the intention to stop smoking with a good category of 0 people (0%) and 21 people fewer categories (100%); adolescent confidence is less with the formation of the intention to stop smoking with a good category of 8 people (2.7%) and 289 people less (97.3%). The conclusions of the study are adolescent attitudes, subjective norms, and beliefs to stop smoking form the intention to stop smoking. Research suggestions are needed for life skill education to control smoking behavior.




Palallo, U. D., Syafar, M., Amiruddin, R., Indar, & Yani, A. (2019). Effects of adolescent attitudes on forming intention to stop smoking. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 1026–1030. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.A4634.119119

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