Human race is looking forward to an era where science and technology can wipeout the threats laid by lethal diseases. Major statistics shows that about 10 million people die from various forms of cancer annually. Every sixth death in the world is caused by cancer. Treatment to cancer always depend on its type and spread. Treatment includes single or combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In this paper, survival prediction in prophylactic resection patients are carried out using various deep learning methods. Prophylactic resection has been found to be very effective in colon cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. In this paper, we try to validate the results in a test environment using multi layered deep neural network. Classical Navie Bayer’s algorithm has been used to classify the dataset and convolution neural network (CNN) has been used to create the survival prediction model. Results affirm better survival results in prophylactic resection patients.
Hareendran, S. A., S S, V. C., Prasad, S. R., & Dhanya, S. (2020). Deep Learning Strategies for Survival Prediction in Prophylactic Resection Patients. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 12145 LNCS, pp. 575–583). Springer.
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