Life enhancement of transverse fillet weld on welds of HSLA S460G2+M using HFMI/PIT

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This study deals with the fatigue life enhancement of the transverse fillet weld on welds of 10mm thickness of the high strength low alloy steel (HSLA) S460G2+M which is treated using high frequency mechanical impact tool called pneumatic impact treatment (HFMI/PIT). Initially, the plate S460g2+M is prepared with groove angles of butt joint and joined using gas metal arc welding (GMAW) with multi-pass welds followed by to weld the transverse attachment over the existing welds to produce a fillet weld on welds. Secondly, the HFMI/PIT treatment is applied on the fillet weld toe using 90Hz frequency, 6 bars of pneumatic pressure and 2 mm pin radius. Thirdly, the fatigue tests with constant amplitude loading are conducted on the untreated and treated specimens by applying 0.1 stress ratio and 55% to 75% stress loading from the yield strength of the base material. All fatigue data were evaluated based on international welding institute (IIW) commission XIII. It is found that the fatigue life of treated specimen is higher as compared with the untreated specimen. However, it is observed that an excessive heat input due to multi-pass welds has insignificant effect to the fatigue life of the untreated specimen.




Andud, D., Mohd Kamal, M. I. N., Manurung, Y. H. P., Ghazali, F. A., & Zain, N. M. (2019). Life enhancement of transverse fillet weld on welds of HSLA S460G2+M using HFMI/PIT. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 3388–3391.

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