ABSTRAKPelaksanaan PKM bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan tentang literasi perbankan syariah kepada remaja Musala Hikmatul Iman. Lokasi mitra pengabdian masyarakat berada di jalan Kembang Lio, RT/RW 4/13, Kecamatan Pancoran Mas, Kelurahan Depok, Kota Depok. Remaja Islam adalah komunitas yang rutin mengadakan kegiatan keagamaan seperti kajian dan panitia hari raya Islam. Remaja merupakan bibit penting dalam regenerasi umat Islam, sehingga tim PKM merasa perlu memberikan ilmu pengetahuan mengenai literasi perbankan syariah. Pokok bahasan PKM yang disampaikan kepada adalah konsep perbankan syariah dan produk-produk bank syariah. Luaran kegiatan adalah peningkatan pengetahuan para peserta mengenai literasi perbankan syariah. Indikator literasi perbankan syariah berdasarkan pemahaman dasar finansial, pemamahaman pembiayaan, wawasan mengenai penanaman modal, dan Pemahaman asuransi. Setelah tim PKM bermusyawarah dengan para pengurus Musala, maka diputuskan pemberian wawasan dan keterampilan disampaikan kepada para peserta dengan cara daring melalui aplikasi Zoom, hal itu disebabkan karena lonjakan kasus pandemi Covid-19 yang harus diwaspadai pada penghujung tahun 2021. Peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan PKM berjumlah 20 orang, yang terdiri dari usia sekolah SMP – SMA. Hasil dari kegiatan PKM adalah, sebanyak 16 orang dari 20 orang peserta berhasil meraih nilai 76 – 100 (kategori baik), dan sisanya 4 peserta mendapat nilai 60 – 75 (kategori cukup). Kata kunci: literasi perbankan syariah; musala; PKM; remaja islam. ABSTRACTThe implementation of PKM aims to socialize Islamic banking literacy to young people at Musala Hikmatul Iman. The location of community service partners is on Jalan Kembang Lio, RT/RW 4/13, Pancoran Mas District, Depok Village, Depok City. Islamic youth is a community that regularly holds religious activities such as studies and committees for Islamic holidays. Teenagers are important seeds in the regeneration of Muslims, so the PKM team feels the need to provide knowledge about Islamic banking literacy. The subject of the PKM discussion that was conveyed to the participants was the concept of Islamic banking and Islamic bank products. The output of the activity is an increase in participants' knowledge about Islamic banking literacy. Islamic banking literacy indicators are based on a basic understanding of finance, understanding of financing, insight into investment, and understanding of insurance. After the PKM team consulted with the Musala management, it was decided that the provision of insight and skills would be conveyed to the participants online via the Zoom application, this was due to the spike in cases of the Covid-19 pandemic that had to be watched out for at the end of 2021. Participants who took part in the PKM activities amounted to 20 people, consisting of junior high school - high school age. The results of the PKM activity were, as many as 16 of the 20 participants managed to get a score of 76-100 (good category), and the remaining 4 participants got a score of 60-75 (enough category). Keywords: islamic banking literacy; musala; PKM; islamic youth.
Pamungkas, A. D., Dja’far, H. I., Rizkiyah, N., Fahrudin, A., & Sandiar, L. (2022). PENGUATAN LITERASI PERBANKAN SYARIAH PADA REMAJA ISLAM MUSALA HIKMATUL IMAN KOTA DEPOK. SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan, 6(3), 1198. https://doi.org/10.31764/jpmb.v6i3.10440
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