Automatic cooking machine using arduino

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‘Automatic cooking machine’ as the name itself implies, cooking of food automatically without any human effort. Main aim is to make cooking easier, simple and less time consuming.[1] The machine will have pre-loaded recipes of your choice and the amount of ingredients will be specified in a C-language program, so you just have to choose the recipe you want to eat and the machine will start to prepare your food and notify you when the food is ready.[2] In present day scenario there is a rapid increase in inventions of machines which are based on automation process and they are used in every sector from home to industries. Our machine consists of induction cooker, bowls, oil and water pump, spice dispenser and some other components whose purpose is for stepwise addition of ingredients and cooking the food eventually. We have newly designed cooking pot which avoids the foods from burning. This machine can prepare food as close as food which can be prepared by a human hand.For communicating with the machine, we have installed a HMI interface through which we give command to the machine and every working process of the machine is controlled by Arduino2560 kit. This machine can be used in our day to day life and even in industries for mass production of certain food products.




Kumar, A., Prakash, A., Datta, P., Kumar, R., & Sharma, A. G. (2019). Automatic cooking machine using arduino. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 650–653.

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