The No v el Metagenome P rotein F amilies Database (NMPF amsDB) is a database of met agenome- and met atranscriptome-deriv ed protein f ami- lies, whose members ha v e no hits to proteins of reference genomes or Pfam domains. Each protein family is accompanied by multiple sequence alignments, Hidden Mark o v Models, tax onomic inf ormation, ecosy stem and geolocation met adat a, sequence and str uct ure predictions, as well as 3D str uct ure models predicted with AlphaFold2. In its current v ersion, NMPF amsDB hosts o v er 10 0 0 0 0 protein families, each with at least 10 0 members. The reported protein families significantly expand (more than double) the number of known protein sequence clusters from reference genomes and re v eal ne w insights into their habit at distribution, origins, functions and t ax onom y. We e xpect NMPF amsDB to be a v aluable re- source for microbial proteome-wide analyses and for further discovery and characterization of novel functions. NMPFamsDB is publicly available in http:// or https:// NMPFamsDB .
Baltoumas, F. A., Karatzas, E., Liu, S., Ovchinnikov, S., Sofianatos, Y., Chen, I. M., … Pavlopoulos, G. A. (2024). NMPFamsDB: a database of no v el prot ein families from microbial metagenomes and metatranscriptomes. Nucleic Acids Research, 52(D1), D502–D512.
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