Towards a maintenance semantic architecture

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Technological and software progress with the evolution of processes within company have highlighted the need to evolve systems of maintenance process from autonomous systems to cooperative and sharing information' system based on software platform. However, this need gives rise to various maintenance platforms. The first part of this study investigates the different types of existing industrial platforms and characterizes them compared to two criteria namely: information exchange and relationship intensity. This allowed identifying the e-maintenance architecture as the current most efficient architecture. Despite its effectiveness, this latter can only guarantee technical interoperability between various components. Therefore, the second part of this study proposes a semantic-knowledge based architecture, thereby ensuring a higher level of semantic interoperability. To this end, specific maintenance ontology has been developed.




Karraya, M. H., Morelloa, B. C., & Zerhounia, N. (2009). Towards a maintenance semantic architecture. In Engineering Asset Lifecycle Management - Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, WCEAM 2009 (pp. 98–111).

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