Stuttering treatment with a behind-the-ear type metronome for an adult stutterer

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Most stutterers can speak fluently when they time their speech to the rhythmic beat of a metronome. Although metronomes have been widely used for the treatment of stuttering, their effect is reportedly difficult to transfer to daily life. We devised a miniaturized portable electronic metronome that can be worn behind the ear, and applied it to an adult who stutters. The metronome can be programmed for a beat rate from 6 to 200 tone pips per minute, around which the user can adjust the rate up to ±10 or ±20%. The device has a switch enabling the user to set two levels of loudness programmed from 20 to 90 dB SPL. Our adult stutterer wore the device when she used the telephone during a period of three-and-a-half months. A reduction in the frequency of disfluency in her speech was observed not only during phone calls but also in the therapy room. The subject had earlier exhibited a tendency to avoid the telephone, but became able to call actively with use of the behind-the-ear metronome. She evaluated the device positively because she felt her stuttering improved in terms of naturalness of speech and reduced avoidance of verbal interaction.




Sakai, N., Mori, K., Ozawa, E., & Mochida, A. (2006). Stuttering treatment with a behind-the-ear type metronome for an adult stutterer. Japan Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, 47(1), 16–24.

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