Solar energy will play a decisive role in the near future (2030) to secure the energy demand in Morocco. Among several applications of solar thermal energy, solar heat for industrial processes (SHIP) is one of the promising fields in the context of the Kingdom (i.e. favorable high DNI), as it can reduce dramatically its high-energy bill. In fact, most of the Moroccan industries consume huge amounts of heat in their respective processes. This thermal energy is mostly supplied by the combustion of the different fossil fuels in a boiler unit. Thus, an efficient integration of solar heat in the Moroccan industrial energy mix could reduce its high dependency on the external importation and the market fluctuation of fossil fuels. In this context, the main aim of this work is to demonstrate the potential of SHIP in different representative industrial locations in Morocco. In fact, these geographical positions are representative of the different climate conditions available in the main industrial areas present in this country (Casablanca, Marrakech, Meknes, Tangier and Jorf Lasfar). The analysis of the different Moroccan industrial energy demand profiles shows that low, medium and high-medium temperature processes (80°C-400°C) are predominant in nearly all industrial sectors (Agro-food, plastics, chemical, paper, mining, textile, etc.). Hence, the scope of the present numerical investigation considers only this range of temperature taking into account five typical load profiles, which are the most recurrent in the local industry. The different simulation scenarios were performed using EBSILON Professional software for one typical meteorological year for each load profile and each location; and the obtained results were compared based on the solar share indicator.
Laadel, N. E., Agalit, H., Mouaky, A., & Bennouna, E. G. (2019). Potential of solar heat integration in medium temperature industrial processes in Morocco. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2126). American Institute of Physics Inc.
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