Background/Aim. Speech motor mechanisms play a crucial role in the process of demutization, due to the fact that they cover all the elements of the successive development of spech production movements leading to speech formation (socalled kinesthesia in speach). The aim of this study was to estimate the impact of perceptual motor actions on the cognitive process of reading in 130 students in regular schools and schools for the deaf and hard-of-hearing children in the Republic of Serbia. Methods. Kostic and Vladisavljevic test consisted of the ten levels weight was used for the assessment of reading speed. To assess understanding of text read by verbal responses, we used three-dimensional adapted reading test of Helene Sax. Results. The triage-articulation test for assessing reading speed (Kostic and Vladisavljevic?s test according to the weight of ten levels, revealed that students in regular schools statistically significantly faster read texts as compared to the deaf students. The results of the threedimensional adapted reading test of Helena Sax, show that the words learned by deaf children exist in isolation in their mind, ie, if there is no standard of acoustic performance for graphic image, in deaf child every word, printed or written, is just the sum of letters without meaning. Conclusion. There is a significant difference in text reading speed and its understanding among the children who hear and the deaf and hard of-hearing children. It is essential that in deaf and heard-of hearing children education, apart from the development of speech, parallelly use the concept of semantic processing in order to get each word by the fullness of its content and the possibility of expanding its meaning in a variety of assets.Uvod/Cilj. Motorni mehanizmi artikulacije imaju presudnu ulogu u demutazicionom procesu, jer obuhvataju sve elemente sukcesivnog nastajanja govornih pokreta koji dovode do formiranja govora (tzv. govorna kinestezija). Cilj ovog rada bila je procena uticaja perceptivno motornog akta na saznajni proces citanja kod 130 ucenika redovnih skola i skola za gluvu i nagluvu decu na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Metode. Za procenu brzine citanja koriscen je test Kostica i Vladisavljeviceve prema tezini od deset nivoa. Za procenu razumevanja procitanog teksta prema verbalnim odgovorima, koriscen je adaptirani trodimenzionalni test citanja Helene Sax. Rezultati. Na trijaznom artikulacionom testu za procenu brzine citanja Kostica i Vladisavljeviceve prema tezini od deset nivoa, utvrdjeno je da su ucenici redovnih skola u statisticki znacajnoj meri brze citali tekstove od gluvih i nagluvih ucenika. Rezultati dobijeni na adaptiranom trodimenzionalnom testu citanja Helene Sax pokazali su da nau- cene reci kod gluvog deteta egzistiraju izolovano u njegovoj svesti, tacnije ako kod gluvog ne postoji etalon akusticke predstave za graficku sliku, svaka rec, stampana ili napisana samo je zbir slova bez znacenja. Zakljucak. Postoji znacajna razlika u brzini citanja teksta, kao i u razumevanju procitanog teksta izmedju dece koja cuju i gluve i nagluve dece. Neophodno je da se u surdopedagoskoj praksi, pored rada na razvoju govora, uporedo radi na semantickoj obradi pojma kako bi svaka rec dobila punocu svog sadrzaja i mogucnost sirenja njenog znacenja u raznim upotrebnim vrednostima.
Karic, J., Ristic, S., Medenica, S., Tadic, V., & Slavnic, S. (2012). Reading characteristics of deaf and hard-of-hearing pupils. Vojnosanitetski Pregled, 69(10), 846–851.
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